800xA System

ABB’s award winning System 800xA provides you
with a better way to achieve measurable productivity and profitability improvements. System
800xA extends the scope of traditional DCS systems to include all automation functions in a single operations and engineering environment; enabling your plants to perform smarter and better
at substantial cost savings.
Embracing the principles of open, real-time networking, System 800xA provides a scalable solution that spans and integrates loop, unit, area,
plant, and inter plant controls. From providing a
secure foundation with robust, but flexible, base
level regulatory and sequence control to higher
level management and advanced control functions that include safety controls,batch management, maintenance management, information
management, and network management solutions, System 800xA meets the application needs
of a wide variety of industries.
System 800xA provides you with a secure, reliable
control environment with minimum effort
through built-in security features such as access
control, user authentication, and audit trail capability. ABB enhances secure system operations by
actively participating on security standards committees, conducting threat-modeling studies, and
incorporating “safe design” practices into product development.
Based upon the Aspect Object technology and a
common set of hardware, System 800xA seamlessly integrates traditionally isolated DCS and
Safety systems. SIS realization is achieved by
either utilizing individual controllers or through
dedicated applications within the same controller. With this embedded control and safety architecture, System 800xA reduces costs significantly; achieving the objectives of both systems maximum plant availability at minimum risk.